The parking zone infront of Kudakudhinnge Bageecha in Male. Dhauru Photo/Abdullah Anoof Junaid

IUM begins vehicle limit study in Male region

The study will take into account the city’s population, the number of vehicles currently in use and the size of the designated roads and parking areas.

13 August 2024

By Ahmed Mizyal

A study has been initiated to determine the number of vehicles that can be registered in the Male area and the duration of use.

The study is being conducted by the Islamic University of Maldives (IUM), which won the tender last July. The study includes Villimale and Hulhumale islands, city wards of the capital.

The agreement was signed by the Male City Council and IUM at a ceremony held on Sunday.

The duration of the agreement is 120 days. The cost of the work is MVR 625,700.

IUM Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Admin and Finance Ahmed Ameen Mohamed told Atoll Times on Monday that the agreement was signed on Sunday and the study’s work had begun on Monday.

"By December, the agreement will expire. However, we hope to have the draft of the study completed by the end of October and discuss it with the relevant authorities," he said.

Describing how the study will be conducted, Ameen said:

  • A large team from the IUM curriculum department and doctoral students will be involved in the research

  • The study will include interviews with the public and relevant institutions

  • Information currently available from various agencies such as the Ministry of Transport and Customs (for example, the number of vehicles registered and the number of imports) will also be considered

  • Research will be conducted on how this is done in developed nations, and will take example from it

The study will take into account the city’s population, the number of vehicles currently in use and the size of the designated roads and parking areas.

The information that the council said must be included in the study includes:

  • Total size of roads and areas reserved for vehicle traffic and parking

  • The availability of public transportation

  • The amount of parking area on roads and lanes that can be increased for driving and parking

  • Maximum period suitable for use of vehicles and maximum period of normal use

  • Proportion and types of private vehicle use by population

  • The proportion of the population that uses public transportation

  • Proportion and types of vehicles used for industrial purposes in the city by the number of vehicles used

The council has also asked for recommendations on three things in the study’s report:

  • 1-

    The standard of human and technical resources required to establish the means to maintain the number of vehicles and to implement the procedure for registering vehicles in accordance with that number

  • 2-

    If the number of vehicles registered for use in the city exceeds the newly fixed number, a system should be developed to re-register vehicles to keep them within the new number

  • 3-

    State the measures to minimise the damage to the owner before cancelling the registration immediately after the expiry of the period of use of the vehicle and disposing of the vehicle; for example, registering the vehicle outside Male or exporting the vehicle from Maldives

