A.Dh. Mahibadhoo Ricardo boat capsized: This is a loss to the people of the island as well as other islands in the province. Photo/Social Media

Ricardo boat sinking: Millions in loss

Eight people were rescued by the army in the incident, but no cargo could be saved, and the boat soon went completely under.

6 July 2023

By Aminath Shifleen

"We are still unable to say the exact extent of the damage, but for some people, it will cost them millions of Rufiyaa," ADh. Mahibadhoo council president Rashad Ali said, talking about the damage caused due to the sinking of the Mahibadhoo cargo vessel, Ricardo.

The boat ferried goods to Mahibadhoo and other islands in the atoll. Therefore, the damage has led to losses to Mahibadhoo residents as well as many people in nearby islands.

Rashad said the damage to the owner of the boat, which was converted into a ferry and equipped with a large engine, was estimated at MVR 6 million. In addition, it contained the goods of all the shops in the island; food staples, aggregate, sand and food items, as well as property of the people.

“We have received information that some shops have also suffered damage worth millions of Rufiyaa,” Rashad said.

The vessel has also been loaded with cargo for an important government project. As part of the project to digitise the health sector, the IT equipment sent by the health ministry to ADh. atoll hospitals and all health centres was on board as well.

According to the ministry of health:

  • The goods shipped under the project include computer systems and laptops

  • Includes printers, tablets and video conferencing cameras

“The boat was carrying over a million Rufiyaa worth of goods for the project,” health ministry's Executive Director Aiminath Shathufa said.

Eight people were rescued by the army in the incident, but no cargo could be saved, and the boat soon went completely under.

The Mahibadhoo council said the loss was irreparable to the residents of the island inhabited by more than 3,600 people and many others in the atoll.

