President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih(R), former President Mohamed Nasheed and Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail hold separate talks at the MDP Congress on August 21, 2022.

MDP to meet Tuesday to decide system referendum stand

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said during the second round of the election campaign that he has no problem with a systematic vote.

2 October 2023

By Fathmath Ahmed Shareef

The MDP will hold a meeting this week to discuss its stand on the change of government system.

The Democrats, led by former President and Parliament Speaker Mohammed Nasheed, are working to change the system of government from a presidential to a parliamentary system.

The Democrats and MDP members also participated in the resolution asking the Elections Commission (EC) to hold a referendum on the change of the system of government before October 30. The Elections Commission has tentatively set October 29 for the referendum.

A meeting is being held on Tuesday to determine the MDP's stand on the matter, the party's Deputy Chairman Ibrahim Waheed confirmed to Atoll Times on Sunday.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said during the second round of the election campaign that he has no problem with a systematic vote. However, the party will decide on it after the elections, he said.

Many MDP MPs are against changing the system of government. 

  • The party's chairman Fayyaz Ismail on Sunday said the MDP should not be the one to reverse the decision of the people when the people have elected their leader for the next five years according to the noble rules of democracy

  • Fayyaz believes that Muizz should be given a five-year term

  • MDP Vice-Chairman Ibrahim Waheed also said that he does not believe that it is right to take another vote to change the system of government after the people have decided

  • He described it as a violation of the principles of democracy that the MDP had been upholding.

