President Muizzu and Speaker Aslam arrive for the opening session of the Parliament on Monday, 5 February 2024.

"Nothing to gain from showdown between two state powers," Speaker takes veiled dig at Pres

"There is nothing to be gained by one branch of the government pitching against another".

5 February 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

There is nothing to be gained by a showdown between two powers of the state, Parliament Speaker Mohammed Aslam said Monday in a veiled dig at President Mohammed Muizzu.

After his first presidential address at the opening of the Parliament on Monday, Aslam, sitting on the right side of the President, addressed the President somewhat critically.

  • The three ministers; Attorney General Ahmed Usham, Housing Minister Ali Haider and Islamic Minister Dr. Mohammed Shaheem Ali Saeed has been re-appointed despite being rejected by the parliament

  • Both MDP and The Democrats agree that the reappointment is a rebuke to the decision of parliament and is a disruption of the system

Aslam said the Constitution separates the three powers of the state and it is necessary to be vigilant and accountable. Each power should respect the decisions taken by other powers within the limits allocated to it, he said.

"Not doing things in that way is harmful to the state and not beneficial to this country," Aslam said.

"There is nothing to be gained by one branch of the government pitching against another. I call upon the highest authorities of the state, political parties, and honourable members of the parliament to take serious note of this matter".

Before giving the President the opportunity to deliver the presidential statement, Aslam announced that the MDP and Democrats had informed the parliament of their decision to boycott the session. Thus:

  • Aslam read aloud some of the contents of the letter sent by the MDP parliamentary group to the parliament

  • They were announced in this session at the request of MDP, he said

Aslam’s announcement:

  • 24 members of Parliament were present at the sitting

  • Among them, only Abdullah Jabir belongs to MDP

  • At the end of the presidential address, Aslam said that he would cooperate with what is required of the parliament

"I assure you that the parliament will discharge its duties and responsibilities to the fullest extent in doing all the things that you have said in your presidential address," Aslam said.

Aslam also gave a list of thanks as time on the current parliament draws to a close.

"This is the last presidential address to be delivered in this 19th Parliament. Therefore, in this moment, I would like to thank Machangolhi Central Constituency MP President Mohammed Nasheed, who was the Speaker of the Parliament and Galolhu North MP Eva Abdulla, who served as the Speaker of the 19th Parliament for a long period," Aslam said.

Aslam also thanked the current Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hoarafushi Constituency Member Ahmed Saleem, the leaders and members of the parliamentary groups of political parties and the administrative staff of the parliament.

The current 19th parliament will end in late April.

