Nominations of three ambassadors sent for parliament approval
The names sent by the President have now been referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament for consideration.
President Mohammed Muizzu has sent the appointments of three ambassadors to the Parliament for approval.
The President's letter was heard in Tuesday’s session.
Ambassadors submitted for approval are:
Sri Lanka: Massoodh Imad, Ma.Thulhaagiri/Male
Malaysia: Dr. Mariyam Shabeena Ahmed, M. Ruffushi/Male
European Union and Belgium: Ageela Ali, M. Geelavilla
Massoodh served as media secretary at the President's Office during former President Mohamed Waheed's administration. He studied at Egypt's Al-Azhar University, and has served the government for a long time.
The names sent by the President have now been referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament for vetting.