Maldives capital to impose two hour vehicle ban on Eid
The month of Ramadan has just two days left, and the authorities are already decorating the city for Eid.
Ahmed Mizyal
Male City Council has imposed a vehicle ban in the capital Male for two hours on Eid-ul-Fitr this year.
The city council has announced the details of some of the activities to be held on Eid day, which according to the calendar will be this Wednesday.
The council said the pedestrian hours will be from 4 to 6 pm on Eid. This has become customary on Eid in recent years.
The city council plans to start the Eid celebrations after the Eid prayers. Thus:
7:30 am - Eid tea and Women's Development Committee (WDC) distributes Eid gifts to children (at Ekuveni Track)
9:30 a.m. - Water Fest at Rasfannu
4 pm - Bodumas and Maali parades; starting in front of Olympus cinema and ending at Artificial Beach
4 - 6 pm - Cultural activities and parade (in Maafannu)
8:30pm - Stage Show (at Artificial Beach)
10:30 pm - Fireworks (at Artificial Beach)
The calendar says that this year's Eid will be next Wednesday. The month of Ramadan has just two days left, and the authorities are already decorating the city for Eid.