Taxis queued up at Velana International Airport (VIA): People complain about taxi drivers extorting them at the airport.

Govt implements new plan for airport taxis amid mounting complaints

A committee has been formed to look into public complaints regarding taxis.

8 May 2024

By Aishath Maha

The Transport Ministry, Homeland and Security Ministry and Maldives Airports Company Ltd (MACL) have jointly prepared and implemented a plan on how to manage taxis at Velana International Airport (VIA).

The Transport Ministry, MACL and police have launched a plan to solve the problems encountered in the airport taxi queue.

The Ministry of Transport said on Wednesday that a large number of complaints have been received through the QR code introduced to submit complaints regarding the airport taxi queue. The ministry has begun investigating the complaints and taking action where required.


  • A committee has now been formed to look into these issues

  • The information needed to investigate complaints is sometimes not available

  • The most common complaints about taxis are that the taxi drivers allow passengers for certain destinations (they choose), take on more passengers after taking a hire and charging more than the price fixed by the ministry

  • Strict action will be taken against foreign taxi drivers

There are many complaints about problems in finding taxis at the airport. The Transport Ministry said the number of complaints being received through the QR code keeps increasing.

A committee has been formed to look into public complaints regarding taxis.

