President Muizzu attends the official dinner hosted by the Indian president after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony. Photo/President's Office

President defends foreign policy: 'No apologies needed'

When asked whether he would cancel the resolution issued by the previous government to stop the 'India Out' movement, he did not answer directly.

12 August 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

President Mohamed Muizzu has responded to Maldives Democratic Party (MDP)'s statement made on Saturday, asserting that the government's foreign policy has not changed and is following the foreign policy that was in the ruling party’s manifesto.

President Muizzu said this while answering questions from journalists as he left the office after a meeting with the Male City Council on Sunday. The journalist's question was regarding the MDP statement welcoming the government's decision to strengthen relations with India. The question also linked to former President Abdullah Yameen's remarks that he would launch the "India Out" movement again.

"I said that we will have close relations without discrimination with all countries that put Maldives' interests first, give the best to the people of Maldives and ensure Maldives' sovereignty and independence. That is our foreign policy," he said.

"It has been in line with that foreign policy since that day. There will never be a time when that policy has gone off direction”.

The first four months of the PNC government, which came to power after a political campaign called 'India Out' while in opposition, had weakened India-Maldives relations. However, recent news shows the government now working to strengthen the relationship.

The MDP issued a statement on Saturday calling on the government to apologise for the lies it has made about India over the past five years while in opposition.

Replying to the journalist's question, Muizzu said there was no reason for him to apologise.

"The policy we announced [and] the manifesto, it was accepted by the people. And we are maintaining close relations with all countries... so I don't have to apologise, do I?" the President explained.

The withdrawal of Indian troops from the country is part of the manifesto, he said, adding that it has been done through consultation and within the framework of the close relations between the two countries.

"One of the biggest things I promised the people is to get rid of the foreign troops in this country. That has hopefully been resolved through the same noble dialogue between us and India," he said.

"They are the oldest friendly country [and] the closest country to us. Through that close relationship, they have provided assistance to this Maldivian country over the years”.

The President said that India is already providing assistance in many ways through that friendship. They include:

  • The quota for staple foods has already been given to Maldives to an extent that it is not given to any other country; and it will continue to do so

  • And it is rolling over the debts we owe

“It comes from the friendly bond we share. The policy of this government has never moved away from it. It won't happen in the future either. The same close relationship with India will be strong and will continue to be strong for the security of the region and for peace and stability in the region,' he said.

When asked whether he would cancel the resolution issued by the previous government to stop the 'India Out' movement, he did not answer directly. Instead, the President said the country needs peace, development and security.

"The affairs of this country will be shaped to ensure these three things in the future. The people of Maldives will not allow anyone to destabilise this country, stop the development of this country and lose its security and independence”, Muizzu said when asked if he would allow Yameen to carry on more ‘India-Out’ rallies.

Internation media had reported in the beginning of Muizzu’s regime that Maldives would now be 'pro-China' or close to China. However, President Muizzu has maintained that the policy of this government is 'pro Maldives'.

The reasons behind the deterioration of relations between Maldives and India include:

  • The tradition of every President of Maldives making his first official visit to India ended with President Muizzu as he made his first official visit to India’s rival China

  • The relationship was already strained by three Maldivian deputy ministers who insulted India and its Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media

  • Following this some Indians launched a campaign on social media to boycott Maldivian tourism

The campaign also led to a significant reduction in the number of tourists coming to Maldives from India. Therefore, the Ministry of Tourism and the MMPRC jointly held an event called 'Welcome India' in three Indian cities last week to promote Maldives' tourism.

