Haider arrives to a press conference at Dharubaaruge. Dhauru Photo/Hussain Sunain

Govt to launch major housing project this year

Minister Haider said that this government could not begin a housing project anew as there is so much pending from the previous government.

12 August 2024

By Ahmed Mizyal

The government will announce a new and major housing project before the end of this year, Housing Minister Dr Ali Haider has said.

Minister Haider was summoned to parliament on Monday for questioning over the delay in handing over the land and flats given to the people of the city by the previous government.

Haider said that housing is one of the most important promises made by this government to the people.

“The President had promised to provide adequate housing for everyone in the country, not just in the city, by the end of these five years,” Haider said.

During the question period, Vaikaradhoo MP Hussain Ziyadh asked the minister why the government had not begun any housing project in the time that has passed.

"While this government is ageing, and gives so much importance to housing, has any housing project been started anywhere in Maldives?" the member asked.

Replying to Ziyadh's question, Haider said that when this government took over, many projects were started but stopped.

"We cannot go ahead with a new project without addressing those pending so we are still working on that, because we think that should be our top priority. That's why you don't see us starting a new project and continuing somewhere else," Haider said.

"However, I am confident that a new project, a major housing project, will be launched before the end of this year”.

Answering questions from various members, Haider shared the reasons for the stalled housing projects implemented by the previous government. According to him:

  • The dredging of the Gulhi lagoon and the handover of the land allocated by the previous government is being delayed because the site is being used for the Thilamale Bridge

  • The land plots from Hulhumale Phase II will be allocated by October this year

  • Hulhumale Phase III lagoon dredging project’s land will be allocated in November

