
Rearrested race car accident driver remanded for 3 days

All three people in the car were arrested while on the run and were previously ordered to remain in custody.

3 September 2024

Ibrahim Ikram, 33, who was arrested for driving a race car in a dangerous accident in Hulhumale in late July, has been remanded in custody for three days.

He was released by the High Court on Sunday after the Criminal Court remanded him in custody after he requested the right to appoint a lawyer. 

However, police arrested him again on Monday and brought him to the Criminal Court, which ordered him in custody for three days.

All three people in the car were arrested while on the run and were previously ordered to remain in custody. The three men have different criminal records.

Ikram was arrested for allegedly entering the stadium to protest against the yoga event held in 2022.

He was released from custody in February this year.

Ikramuh Rahman was also arrested in the case.

At the age of 16, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison in 2015.

The High Court upheld the sentence and the Juvenile Court later pardoned him for participating in a rehabilitation programme.

Jinaah Ismail was the third to be arrested in the case.

He was serving a 25-year prison sentence for a drug case in 2022, but was released from custody after then- President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih commuted his sentence.

