A fire hydrant on Majeedhee Magu: Not known when the system will start being used. Dhauru Photo

Fire hydrants inoperable 2 years after installation

Aiman Latheef had sought the information from the Defence Ministry under RTI and shared it with the public on Twitter.

11 February 2023

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

The fire hydrant system, which was installed in December 2020 on Majeedhee Magu to ensure quick access to water in case of a fire in the capital city, is yet to be made usable.

Due to major fire incidents in Male, this government started the work of completing the fire hydrant system on Majeedhee Magu in September 2019 after a building in Henveiru caught fire and caused extensive damage.

Earlier in 2016, the then President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's administration had initiated the construction of a fire fighting system in Male.

Some residents have complained about the lack of use of the fire hydrant system in Majeedhee Magu. Therefore, Aiman Latheef had sought the information from the Defence Ministry under the Right to Information (RTI) Act to find out the reason behind it. The ministry has already provided him with the information.

He shared the information with the public via Twitter.

The defence ministry's reply showed that the fire hydrant system was still unusable. However, without giving a specific date, the ministry said it would be used in the near future.

Here's how the Defence Ministry responded:

  • The first connection has been made as part of efforts to connect fire hydrant lines to MWSC’s main water pipes

  • Once the second connection is completed, testing will be conducted before fire hydrants can be used, and it will be carried out in collaboration with MWSC

  • Fire hydrants likely to operate in near future after testing phase ends

Former housing minister and now Mayor of Male City Council said at the time that when Majeedhee Magu was developed during Yameen's administration, the pipe was connected to draw water from different parts of the road. 

However, the then Mayor of Male City Shifa Mohamed had stated that despite the pipes laid out under Majeedhee Magu, not enough work has been done to finish the project.

If a fire breaks out in the city it becomes very difficult to get water to the fire locations. As a result, fire fighting efforts are hampered.

