Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau speaks at the closing ceremony of the 36th Police Training Programme.

Police chief proposes to place cops at every island port

The CP highlighted on how police should work among and with the community.

30 May 2024

By Aishath Maha

Police Commissioner Ali Shujau has said that the presence of a uniformed policeman in public view will solve many problems and it would be a positive contribution to have a policeman at the ports to prevent the flow of drugs to the islands.

Shujau was speaking at the closing ceremony of the training program for newly recruited police officers at the Police Academy in Addu on Wednesday evening.

Speaking at the ceremony, Shujau said the people want a policeman at the port of every island. It is because in these times of drug epidemic, if a policeman is visible, those who do it tend to hesitate and be a little more afraid to smuggle drugs into the island.

"Drugs enter many islands in Maldives by sea and every island has a specific place [port] to board vessels. People always ask for a policeman to be on duty in the area. Having a uniformed policeman visible on site can indeed solve many problems like that”.

Shujau added:

  • Once the suspects are searched, the amount of drugs smuggled into the island will be greatly curbed

  • The drug epidemic has grown to the point where every police officer has to work individually to stop it

  • Police should spend most of their duty time among the people

  • Security on the streets can also be maintained by the police

  • Police should take the initiative to take to the streets when the streets are busy

  • The public needs to see and feel that laws are being enforced with equality

  •  The use of police force in resolving issues should be a last resort, police are community helpers

Shujau added that the police institution can be removed from political influence by following the rules made within the agency. He also advised the police to gain the trust of the people by maintaining their discipline at all times.

