Taxis queued up at Velana International Airport (VIA): People complain about taxi drivers extorting them at the airport.

Drivers meet minister over govt taxi plans

Drivers said they were informed that the government's taxi fleet would take a period between 18 months or two years to begin.

5 August 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

Taxi drivers met Transport Minister Mohamed Ameen on Sunday to express their concerns over the government’s attempt to enter the taxi business.

The ministry announced the ‘Male Fehi’ program late last month, which includes the launch of a modern, safe and reliable taxi line in the Male area.

Some drivers have been protesting outside the Umar Zahir Building in Hulhumale since Sunday morning. Ameen met with the protesters early in the evening.

After the meeting, the drivers told Raajje TV that they met Ameen on three main issues. They are:

  • 1-

    the government’s attempt to introduce a taxi fleet; it will have a negative impact on the livelihoods of drivers

  • 2-

    The issue of towing taxis when they are not in service in the early morning hours after midnight

  • 3-

    Lack of suitable environment for taxi service

Drivers quoted the minister as saying that the taxi service is not a business that the government intends to enter at the moment. The minister also assured that the government's move would not affect the livelihood of the drivers.

"Mainly, it was mentioned that the government does not intend to get into this business at all. However, they [the ministry] mentioned that a study on the matter will start on September 1," one driver told Raajje TV.

"The minister gave a lot of assurance that the service [taxi service by the government] will not start on September 1”.

Drivers said they were informed that the taxi fleet would start in a period between 18 months or two years. The study is being conducted to gather the necessary information before starting.

Another driver said, “[The ministry] said that there is a formula in place to help both those in this business and those who are financially distressed in consultation with those already providing taxi services and in such a way that this free business is not affected”.

The ‘Male Fehi’ program, about the taxi line, says:

  • The taxi line's cars will be controlled through a separate app on a freelance basis and will be open for interested Maldivians

  • The arrangement will ensure the safety and security of both drivers and passengers

  • At least 25% of these taxis will be environmentally friendly electric vehicles

It did not give a specific date for the launch of the service.

