A body being removed from the burnt building. (Atoll Times Photo/Muzayyin Nazim)

Nirufehi fire: 33 still in shelters, MVR 135,000 spent as relief aid

Among those who are in the custody of the NDMA after the incident were those living in the burnt-out Nirufehi house and those living in the adjacent houses.

14 November 2022

By Aman Haleem

The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) said on Sunday that 33 people affected by the fire at the M. Nirufehi house are still in temporary shelters, with the agency having so far spent more than MVR 135,000 for their shelter and care.

Ten migrant workers died in the deadliest fire in the history of Maldives. They include nine Indians and one Bangladeshi national.

 In a statement, the NDMA said:

  • 15 foreigners and 18 Maldivians are being provided housing

  • The migrants include seven females and eight males (one Bangladeshi and the rest Indian)

  • Maldivians include 12 females and six males (including seven children)

Among those who are in the custody of the NDMA after the incident were those living in the burnt-out Nirufehi house and those living in the houses adjacent to the house.

According to the NDMA, the assistance required by the children among them to attend  school has now been provided through schools and the education ministry.

"We are working closely with the Red Crescent to restore the lives of migrant workers who lost their homes in the aftermath of the tragedy," NDMA said.

