A bike driving down one lane of the portion that was completed of Ameenee road, and a pickup is parked on the other lane. Dhauru Photo/Abdullah Iyaan

3 days to remove illegally parked vehicles on Ameenee Magu

Police said illegally parked vehicles on the road caused traffic congestion and difficulties for pedestrians and drivers.

6 July 2023

By Ahmed Mizyal

Owners of illegally parked vehicles on Ameenee Magu have three days from Thursday to remove their vehicles, after which they will be towed, police said on Wednesday.

With the reopening of the paved section of Ameenee Magu, four-wheeled vehicles are usually parked on one side. As a result, there is very little space to drive on the road.

Police said illegally parked vehicles on the road caused traffic congestion and difficulties for pedestrians and drivers.

“Therefore, after a period of three days from 6 July 2023, illegally parked vehicles will be towed,” the police said in a statement posted on their official Twitter account.

A project to redevelop Ameenee Magu, which was badly damaged over long term wear and tear, started on 12 September 2022.

Under the project, Ameenee Magu is being developed with asphalt paving and widening the sidewalk to make it easier for pedestrians.

As before, there are two lanes to drive in opposite directions on the road. However, with the road now having a narrower space than it used to, the two lanes cannot be fully utilised during rush hour due to illegal parking.

Under the road development project:

  • The work was awarded for MVR 84.4 million

  • The planning ministry awarded the contract to the RDC on July 3 last year to complete the work within 210 days

After paving, road and traffic signs are being installed, with sections being opened as they finish. A total of seven segments of the road are now open.

