MMA Governor Ali Hashim. Photo/Parliament

Motion on MMA governor removal on Monday

The Public Accounts Committee unanimously approved the recommendation.

22 July 2024

By Aishath Maha

The Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee has recommended the removal of Ali Hashim to President Mohammed Muizzu due to his failure to perform his duties as Governor of the central bank Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA). This matter has been scheduled for discussion during Monday’s parliamentary session.

The Public Accounts Committee decided to recommend the governor's removal from office on Wednesday.

During the Wednesday meeting, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Ahmed Nazim submitted the proposal to the Public Accounts Committee to recommend the removal of Ali Hashim from the post of Governor.

The committee unanimously approved the recommendation.

When the committee approved asking the president to remove Ali Hashim from the post of governor, he was given the opportunity to appear before the committee to respond to the issue. He, however, pleaded illness and was not able to attend any of the three summonses.

Hashim sent a letter to the Public Accounts Committee asking for an opportunity to respond in writing. However, the committee decided not to give any further opportunity to respond in writing.

While the Public Accounts Committee passed the resolution recommending the removal of Ali Hashim from the post of Governor, it will be referred to the president through a parliament vote.

Deputy Speaker Nazim noted the following in his proposal to remove Governor Hashim:

  • The Governor has urged banks and financial institutions in Maldives to withhold indirect lending to the public and keep their reserves with the MMA. As a result, there has been less money in circulation in the economy, economic activities have stopped, and the country's economy has slowed down

  • The Governor is not managing the economy well at a time when the government is earning money from the Maldivian market

  • The Home Ministry and the police have shared with the parliamentary security services committee that MMA has not complied with the rules recommended to prevent crime

  • Since this government took office on November 17, the Governor has not made any practical efforts to advise the government to achieve the main objectives of the MMA Act in the past seven months 

